Virtual Bone not showing up in BP

Hey all, bran new to UE5 and have been following a bunch of tutorials trying to learn and make something. This is my first post here so ty for any help.

So, I’m following a tutorial on stabilizing the head for the true fps thing where you can still see your body in game. The true fps is great but the effect is easily nauseating due to how much the head moves, so my goal isn’t necessarily to stop it all together, but just to reduce it by a ton so that it feels a bit more natural.

The tutorial I’m following is using a virtual bone at one point but for some reason, after creating the bone, it doesn’t show up in the blueprint as something that can be selected. I went over the tutorial in depth trying to see if I missed something but I followed it exactly.

I don’t know if screenshots are allowed here but I do have them if anyone wants to see them. Thanks for any help.