Yep, i have some tiles in the map and when they are clicked they update the new target location in the camera manager
ok so, misleading title
I’m sure I’m doing something wrong here. but I’m making a custom camera manager for my player controller and I’m trying to get the lookat target to move smoothly between where it is and where the new target is. in order to accomplish this I’m using the VinterpTo node to move the target after which I apply a camera offset to the target so it takes the camera with it.
but when i set the new target the camera just snaps there instead of moving smoothly
I’d appreciate any help and thanks a lot!
Unearthlywhales brings up a good point. this is running on tick, so it is being updated every frame
Edit 2:
Added Video
[Video on my google Drive][1]
Did you hook this function up to Tick? Any Interp node only works when it is executed on a per-frame basis.
Yeah, I’m overriding the blueprints update camera so that it does get called every tick
Hmm try doing just the Vinterp to part only and hooking that up directly to tick and hooking up the delta time instead of get delta seconds. See if that works, if that works and it does not work in this function then there is something wrong with the function. Once the Vinterp is working properly then you can look at your offset logic. If it stops working then, then the offset logic is flawed and you problem would be in that section.
I’ve tested the function on its own and the offset logis as well. matter of fact, i was initially calculating the camera and offset then lerping from the already offset cameraposition to the new offset camera position the problem there is that the camera would snap its view to the new target and then lerp its way to the new position.
i switched it around so that one would be independent from the other and the camera would always follow the target.
my question is not so much about the logic(as far as I’ve tested it should work) of it but on the proper usage of the node.
From what I see in your image you are using the Vinterp-node correctly so sorry to say that I don’t have a direct solution for your problem at the moment.
yeah that’s why i was stumped, as far as i can tell it should be working… well, thanks a lot though. I appreciate the help
Quick question, might be a stupid one, but when you set the new location in the “but when i set the new target the camera just snaps there instead of moving smoothly” section. I assume you are setting the NewTargetLocation variable right?
tried to upload a video but it wouldn’t let me T_T
Ok I managed to upload a video to my google drive
So this was resolved… i restarted ue and my computer and its now working as expected
So this was resolved… i restarted ue and my computer and its now working as expected
extremely, but I’m not gunna look to much more into it. as long as its working im happy. yeah logic was sound, still dont understand why why that was going down but hey its working.
lol, well at least you know the logic was sound. Weird that restarting made it work though.