Vinterp not working

I am trying to make a character VInterp into the air (about 400). The variable “Dash Goal” displays the correct vector which is in the air (verified by print string the z value is 400)). For some reason instead of being Vinterped into the air, the character drags along the ground to the location on the XY plane. I checked the vector outputted by the Vinterp and it is a number between 180 and 190 when it needs to be slowly vinterping towards 400. This has nothing to do with gravity as I disbabled it in the movement. It is clearly a problem with either the vinterp or my programming somewhere. Remember the variable that the actor is being vinterped to (dash goal) is correct but the output is not.

Is this running on Tick?

If it is:

For some reason instead of being
Vinterped into the air, the character
drags along the ground to the location
on the XY plane.

Knowing what Movement Component does to the character Z, that’d be the culprit. Call Jump when initiating the Dash:

At a later stage, in case you run into issues while Setting Actor Location, consider using Add Movement Input / Vector instead - a more natural way to move Pawns around.

And here’s a couple of other examples of how dashing can be implemented:

Is this running on Tick?