I am using vinterp to move my player character from point a to b, but the problem is that vinterp is not working here.
The player character teleports to a fraction of the “b” location.
When i set the interp speed to 100 my character teleports fully to the b location.
if its for fast lane switching you might want to try ‘Vinterp to Constant’ and always tick the set actor location. but to answer you’re last question, take the EVENT TICK to a BRANCH take the false of the branch to SET ACTOR LOCATION and to switch the branch use EAQUAL(VECTOR) to check the current and target vectors
But I got one little bug in my character controller. (after that my lane controller is done).
When my character turns 90 degrees, I center my character to a given location (to center to the middle lane)
And my character does rotate and move to the wanted location, but my character seems to stop(sometimes) after relocation. after ±0.5 seconds my character starts moving again.(or just stays there)
If I remove the set actor location, my character will continue to move.
And vinterp is also not causing the problem it is purely the set actor location.
Hi if you’re using a time line it will continue to update setactorlocation until the time line has completed. For a quick fix use the ‘play from start’ input and the ‘stop’ input when location is achieved. But you don’t need the time line if you are using tick. Email me if you want to look at some alternative ways