Hope this questions can be answered?
I press Play In Editor in Simulate mode
CameraManager spawns a CameraActor(Actor with a camera component)
As default the PlayerController Viewtarget is SpectatorPawn
I set the boolean AutoManageActiveCameraTarget to false in PlayerController
The PlayerController Viewtarget is now PlayerController
Do PlayerController use the CameraActor as camera spawned by CameraManager in
both cases?
Why do CameraManager spawn a CameraActor(Actor with camera component)?
Why do not CameraManager create a CameraComponent held private?
Do CameraManager spawn a CameraActor because its not having a
I press Possess
The ViewTarget is not DefaultPawn
Its still PlayerController?
The PlayerController Possess anyways?
I set the boolean AutoManageActiveCameraTarget to false in PlayerController
The changes i did doesnt reflect in the code?
I change that boolean AutoManageActiveCameraTarget to false but its overridden by PlayerController in c++?