Viewport / Editor Grid

The viewport grid or blueprint editor viewport gird is hiding what goes below it
object that have some objects that have the height below 0 become invisible until camera is moved below 0

Hey @AncientArtifact!

That’s very odd. Even though it’s invisible, maybe you accidentally have clicked “show floor” in your viewport settings?


Also, has this just started happening in a new project or just this blueprint/new blueprints in an existing project?

Any additional specifics you provide may go a long way in solving your problem!

Hey @Quetzalcodename !
Thanks for the reply

i know show floor is disabled, tried that and no change.

this wasn’t an issue it happened suddenly when working.

the strange thing is this only Affects Editor graphics such as wireframe of the capsule component or the Audio sprite as seen in the image, if i bring my own external Assets they show just fine.