Viewing a menu after clicking play button in main menu

I have a main menu with three buttons: start, options and quit. When i press start it appears the level of the world. In this world i have a cube with a menu so i can change the color of the cube.
The thing is that first i created the world with the cube and the menu to change the colors and after the main menu that appears in the begining of the game. The event begin play was set for the menu of the colors and i had to disconect it and conect it with the main menu.
The question is: After clicking the button start in the menu and after the level world is opened, how can i make that my menu to change the colors appears in the viewport?

Thanks you!!!

open the level blueprint (the level blueprint of the level where the cube exists or whatever level is loaded after pressing start button.) and put a delay so the menu doesnt just appear as soon as the level start [this is optional but i recommend atleast a 1-2 second delay] just hook the create widget and add to viewport in the event begin play.

so basically create a event begin play node → hook it up to delay node[optional] → hook it up to create widget-> take the return node and add a add to viewport.

Thanks!!! it worked now.

Accept the answer then :slight_smile: