Video Won't Play In Unreal 5. Just Me?

After following other tutorials here and following other information online, I just cant get my video, which is:

1920 x1080
less than 60 mb

to play in the media player I’ve created. The video was already added to the movies->content folder in the project folder. The thing is, the audio plays, but not the video. My goal is to have this video play before the level begins, but can’t even get it to show in the media player. Any help would be greatly appreciated.

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I was going to delete but I feel this post can still help a lot of people who can’t get their video to play. Go to project settings → Windows → Under Default RHI, select Default. That did it for me.

Does anybody know how to play a video before the level begins? I’m trying to play a cinematic video I created but have only learned how to make the video into a texture.


This saved my life! Thanks you so much for posting this!