Video Tutorials Decommissioning

As we continually seek to improve the quality of our learning resources, we wanted to let you know that we are in the process of decommissioning the Video Tutorials section of the documentation site. By Thursday, September 13, all links to the old video site will be set to redirect to the new Unreal Engine Online Learning site.

The Video Tutorials section has been the home of Unreal Engine video tutorials for several years, and while this system provided a streamlined way to find all of our Unreal Engine video tutorials, it didn’t fulfill our vision for what a learning platform should be. The videos there were aging and maintaining the system required a lot of resources.

To address these issues, we recently launched a new online learning site that better facilitates our vision and provides a learning resource worthy of Unreal Engine. Now that we have this new platform, it is time for the old system to fade away into the sunset.

So, what does that mean for all of the videos in the old system? First, they will all continue to be available on our YouTube channel. As far as being available in the documentation, they generally will fall into one of three buckets:

  • Videos that remain relevant and up to date based on an internal technical evaluation will be embedded into associated documentation pages.
  • Videos that are relevant but need to be updated will be placed into consideration for being redone as courses on the new learning platform.
  • Videos that are out of date and no longer relevant will be removed.

This has been a long time coming and we hope everyone enjoys the new system. As always, we welcome your feedback - which we encourage you to share in this dedicated forum thread.

hey @Kalvothe should be good something similar to the wiki section if is not already in plans or implemented, a place where the community can post some video tutorials, I know about some enthusiastic people, I imagine something like this will help to gather the information in one cool place, dunno if is doable anyway :stuck_out_tongue:

Hi, I personal prefer to watch a off line 1080P mkv video. I’d like to download it (maybe torrent or emule), and watch it in any device, all my computer at home and office, my phone, my pad, etc. I can watch it any time and any place, without 4G or WIFI. Also I can copy it to my friends.
I don’t want to watch it online each time.
Please think about it. Thank you.

I agree with kputslash. I do most of my studying when I am on the train, so being able to watch these videos offline would be great.

Videos that are “out of date” hopefully should not be deleted but just MARKED(tagged , etc ) as working for a certain version of the ENGINE. (unless the information in the video has become WRONG)

Not everybody uses the latest version of the engine.

I agree with offering the ability to download the videos. I have to work over satellite that throttles data over peak times (i.e. anytime humans are normally awake) which makes watching online a prohibitive constraint.

+1 for downloading videos. I don’t have internet at home, I have to walk about half mile to get to the closest open connection and download YouTube videos when I do to watch anything

Nice thing about Vimeo is that you can download videos. I know that Epic has posted some videos there, which is great. Maybe that’s an option?


  1. My hometown in the Guangdong of China, Unable to connect to the network
  2. Video tutorials English subtitle, But, For me, Chinese subtitle really important.