[Video Tutorial] Deploy Tappy Chicken to an Android device

I made a short tutorial on YouTube showing how I deployed Tappy Chicken to my Android phone.

This is my first tutorial with the Unreal Engine. I really liked how easy it was to get the game onto my phone, so I wanted to share that.

I hope it helps. :slight_smile:

I’d be curious to know if anyone else had success with this or with other apps. I tried the above with the Mobile Temple app but ran into some difficulties. It just showed a black screen on start-up, so if I still need to figure that out.

By the way, the Tappy Chicken test above was on my Samsung Galaxy S III phone, with Android 4.0.4.

I deployed the Mobile Temple demo to my Samsung Galaxy S5 with no issues and SwingNinja with some issues (Don’t exactly recall now, colors didnt seem right or something) and TappyChicken with no issues.


I’ve tried and tried to install this. I followed this tutorial (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2uhdPR9VIOY), even wrote in the environmental variables.
Nothing. I go to package it, just ios and desktop. I’m positive I installed it correctly, but nope. Nothing there, any tips?

Howdy Tevor,

If you haven’t already, could you post your issue on our AnswerHub so that we may further investigate the issue that is occurring. Here is a link: https://answers.unrealengine.com/index.html

Thanks and have a great day!