I’ve got a video texture assigned to a button in UMG(Basically a tutorial for the game I’ve made). I’ve setup everything properly(including setting the path to the video as relative, attaching the Play Blueprint to OnMediaOpened blueprint, including the Movies folder in project settings for additional folders to inlcude in cooking), and the video plays well in the desktop editor, but when I launch on my iPhone 5s(IOS10), the video doesn’t play.
Is there something that I might be missing?
Hello I have exactly the same problem as you and I would like to know a solution to this as well. The only difference is that I’m working in 4.18.3 and testing on anpro(10.5 inch).
Hi, I still have this issue when I launch from the editor, but I’ve figured out, that when I package the game as an IPA, and put it on the device, then the video plays well.
I’ve found this to be true in my experience - “Launch” simply doesn’t copy the video files. I created a custom launch configuration for this purpose that works, and I’m not sure why it does any different.
Thank you so much that worked for me too!
Creating a custom Launch Profile also fixed this for me. Thanks. I’ll report this as a bug.
Thanks, after hours of messing with formats and testing, this was the problem. Was launching to an iPad, but the video files were not being packaged as part of it so the app couldn’t find any video.
Got it working by hitting “Launch Options-Project Launcher-Advanced” and then changing the launch config to “Shipping” and “By The Book”.