can we make a video settings menu for the games we make right now in 4.5 or not?
because it would be really HELPFUL
Of course you can → :// can do it nearly the same in UMG. Just use those console commands:
- sg.AntiAliasingQuality (1-4)
- sg.EffectsQuality (1-4)
- sg.PostProcessQuality (1-4)
- sg.ShadowQuality (1-4)
- sg.TextureQuality (1-4)
- sg.ViewDistanceQuality (1-4)
- r.ScreenPercentage (1-100)
- r.MaterialQualityLevel (0-1)
this is somewhat helpful but i dont know how to use the console commands in blueprints. any insight?
okay gotcha i get it now. but since we now have widgets i am trying to use a slider to set the texture quality to 1-4 and i have it as goes OnValueChanged (Slider_0) Set variable TextureQuality then it goes to execute console command but how would i do it to where if the slider is in like position 2 of 4 it makes the the executed console command sg.TextureQuality 2 instead of just plain sg.TextureQuality 1
Did you watched the video posted? There he shows how to use the console commands in blueprints.