I wanna make my movie play before the game starts but as the title suggests it… video is playing on the widget but not on the viewport.The game is paused for the length of the video and then the game starts. Is this a bug?
Can anyone help me with this?
I know this sounds a little condescending but did you check whether the widget is being added to the viewport in your blueprint(s)?
Yes I added the widget on the screen. Cause if the widget was not added then the game would have not paused cause I added the pause game feature on this function only.
They are the same thing
I mean the widget that has the video in it, not the pause button widget (unless they’re the same thing)
OK. Thank you for clarifying. That makes sense with the screenshot too. I have only used Media player once so far, a year ago, so I think someone else will need to help you, but in the meantime, have you tried it with the Pause nodes removed? I don’t know but I wonder if Pausing the game is keeping it from playing the video.