Video card efficiency

Hi there everyone,

I am thinking of buying a new video card, Nvidia Rtx3060 but I have certain doubts.
Right now I am working in UE4.26 and my current card is Gtx1070.
So I was wondering what gain will there be in terms of fps considering we take the same scene with the same settings?

You’ll get anywhere from extra 25% to double the performance if you want to measure with fps. Depends on the scene and the rest of the PC components. Since you’re currently sitting on a 1070, you might be stuck with an older CPU / DDR3 that might as well starve a more powerful GPU.

It’s about not bottle-necking, and balancing things. Pairing a venerable Intel 2500k with a modern 3060 is not a great idea, with noticeable diminishing returns.

buying a new video card, Nvidia Rtx3060

Since this is supposed to be a relevant upgrade, consider the 12GB 3060 variant.

I got a new card - Asus 3060ti but fps remained the same.
This is strange, what can be the problem?
My processor is i7 4790 8cores
20gig RAM

And the card is silent on high settings, so it is not fully loaded.

Unreal is probably CPU bound. The graphics card is probably much faster than the CPU and it’s falling behind with calculations, causing it to not serve the GPU new information fast enough.

You can use the stat unitgraph command to get information regarding which part of the engine is causing the slowdown
Result of stat unitgraph

The slow part of the calculations will be marked in orange or red.
If it’s game loop calculations then it’s usually the CPU that is bottlenecking the system.

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It’s 4 cores. But yeah, I used to roll with 3570k in the olden days and it was not pretty at times. Wouldn’t put it past a CPU bottleneck.

And the card is silent on high settings, so it is not fully loaded.

Is it actually being used at all? There’s history with UE defaulting to iGPUs. You can see it in the Task Manager in case you’re not running any other hardware monitoring.

That’s an interesting turn. I will check it out but it seems to me that I have disabled the integrated graphics card long ago

Looked in the Device manager and there is no active integrated video card in sight. I set the settings in the Nvidia contol panel to use 3060ti in Unreal Engine.
Yet it doesn’t seem to have changed the situation.
I looked into the stats and it seems that there is quite a lot of shadow projections going but isn’t GPU supposed to handle these? I mean it is logical that it should put some load into the video card in such cases and start the fans :slight_smile:
Anyway I attach a screenshot of my stats in the scene just in case and will try to disable some of the lights in the scene.

You could do an insights capture to see which part of your scene is eating up the most resources. The load seems to be mostly on the GPU. Perhaps the textures are too high detail making it hit it’s fill rate cap. Try lowering the texture detail and see if you get a large boost in performance.

Hitting fill rate can’t really be “fixed”. If shadows are suspected culprit then try the scene with virtual shadow maps disabled (they can have a big impact on slower cards).

These materials don’t use textures. I’m not sure that virtual shadow maps should be disabled
I have a Sun which is a directional stationary light and a sphere with hdr map 1k that is used for the sky.
I suspect the it could be that there are lots of models in this particular place that cast shadows

I see that Shadow depths take a lot of resources. In Gpu visualizer there are a lot of atlases with large resolutions although I set the resolution of baked light to 512 in World settings. Is there a way to reduce the amount of these atlases?

Are you getting any warnings after building lighting?
Perhaps your sky sphere or ground as a large object is casting useless large shadows degrading performance?

I found that changing the lightmap resolution on the object can greatly reduce the shadowdepth count. Tested in experimental room on large floor and the decrease was radical.
The removal of the sky can add about 5-10 fps but that is not an option cause I really need the sky in the project )

Are your objects setup correctly regarding mobility?
Actors that do not move or update = Static
Actors that can change but not move = Stationary
Actors that move = Movable

Perhaps part of your scenery is marked a movable so it needs to recalculate instead of bake.
Test if you have occlusion culling enabled in the scene with the console command freeze rendering. Perhaps your geometry is not culled correctly.

Thank you for the advice. There really was a problem with the culling of the objects. As I found out the camera of the editor viewport doesn’t work the same as the in-game camera. It doesn’t cull the objects that are hidden by other objects. So you can look into the wall and have 5 fps because it loads all the sections and objects of the level that are situated behind that wall. Better set the distance of the far plane view, this is the setting right near the fov in the editor viewport.

What is also interesting is that editor is very sensitive to additional windows and tabs opened and it can cut fps really radically. It is wise to minimize them.

As for the different video cards I am beginning to think that there is a big dependency on the amount of memory or something like that. Anyway it is still a kind of riddle as to how the card gets loaded

Anyway, a big thanks for your help guys :slightly_smiling_face:

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