UPDATE: Engine/Plugins/Marketplace folder will work as well!
Hi there!
I tested the Project Level solution, and packaged a game, and the Victory Plugin did actually get loaded, I presume you are using a C++ project? Here’s what I saw in my log, as well as my actual test working in the packaged game:
Sample Log for a Successful Load of Plugin in Packaged UE5 Build
LogPluginManager: Mounting Engine plugin WebMMoviePlayer
LogPluginManager: Mounting Engine plugin WindowsDeviceProfileSelector
LogPluginManager: Mounting Engine plugin WindowsMoviePlayer
LogPluginManager: Mounting Project plugin VictoryBPLibrary //<~~~~~~~~
LogPackageName: Display: FPackageName: Mount point added: '../../../Engine/Plugins/2D/Paper2D/Content/' mounted to '/Paper2D/'
LogPackageName: Display: FPackageName: Mount point added: '../../../Engine/Plugins/Animation/ControlRig/Content/' mounted to '/ControlRig/'
Solution 1:
Actually I found that if you move the Victory Plugin to Engine/Plugins/Marketplace
Then the error goes away, so that is a solution for those of you using the Victory Plugin in multiple projects!
If you do not wish to do the above, you can do the below!
Solution 2
Move Plugin To Project Level
Create a folder called, precisely
in the root folder of YourProject
Move the plugin (works for any plugin having this issue) to YourProject/Plugins, removing it from the Engine install level (the default location for Marketplace plugins is the Engine level, specifically, UE_5.0/Engine/Plugins/Marketplace)
For VictoryPlugin this should look like “YourProject/Plugins/VictoryPlugin”
Spelling does matter, if you have any issues make sure the folder is indeed named “Plugins”
You can repeat this process for
all UE5 projects
, each project can have their own “Plugins” folder, just copy the plugin as needed!
Continue Developing in UE5 Joyfully
, saving any CPU cycles that were waiting for a fix this, because I don’t now when that will be, and it seems to be pervading issue that will likely get fixed by Epic in the next UE5 release.