VICODynamics: a particle based Soft-Body physics Plugin

ParallelExecutor.ExecuteActions: D:\GithubProjects\scout_airsim_project\Plugins\VICODynamicsPlugin\Source\VICODynamicsPlugin/Public/VDSimulationSettingsActor.h(23): error C2079: 'AVDSimulationSettingsActor::Settings' uses undefined struct 'FVDSettings'
ParallelExecutor.ExecuteActions: D:\GithubProjects\scout_airsim_project\Plugins\VICODynamicsPlugin\Intermediate\Build\Win64\UE4\Inc\VICODynamicsPlugin\VDSimulationSettingsActor.gen.cpp(26): error C2027: use of undefined type 'FVDSettings'
ParallelExecutor.ExecuteActions: D:\GithubProjects\scout_airsim_project\Plugins\VICODynamicsPlugin\Intermediate\Build\Win64\UE4\Inc\VICODynamicsPlugin\VDSimulationSettingsActor.generated.h(11): note: see declaration of 'FVDSettings'
ParallelExecutor.ExecuteActions: D:\GithubProjects\scout_airsim_project\Plugins\VICODynamicsPlugin\Intermediate\Build\Win64\UE4\Inc\VICODynamicsPlugin\VDSimulationSettingsActor.gen.cpp(26): error C2582: 'operator =' function is unavailable in 'FVDSettings'
ParallelExecutor.ExecuteActions: D:\GithubProjects\scout_airsim_project\Plugins\VICODynamicsPlugin\Intermediate\Build\Win64\UE4\Inc\VICODynamicsPlugin\VDSimulationSettingsActor.gen.cpp(41): error C2079: 'Z_Construct_UFunction_AVDSimulationSettingsActor_GetSettings_Statics::VDSimulationSettingsActor_eventGetSettings_Parms::ReturnValue' uses undefined struct 'FVDSettings'


I get these errors when building. These errors donā€™t appear when building it on an empty project, but it occurs when attempting to build it with another plugin called AirSim

Any ideas on how to fix the errors?

Removing the .git folder in my project file fixes it strangely enough.
Seems like it was something related to ā€œ[Adaptive unity build] Excluded from XXX unity file: YYY.cppā€ which .git caused but idk anything more.
Would be nice if possible with a better fix.

I found more information about it. Adaptive unity build is unreal using git status to find files to build, and since the whole VICO plugin are new files, it tries to build everything which it fails at because VICO uses external resources as .dll, etc. It should be mentioned in your guide, as this makes it not possible to build your plugin inside a git repository.

Hello! I asked about getting the vertex data from VD cloth at runtime on the product page and you said it was possible with a bit of extra work. How might I go about creating the indices/triangles array? By which I mean what order are vertices generated. I only know Blueprint so Iā€™m working with a limited toolset, but I can get the particle transforms so should be able to work out the rest if I know how the verts/particles are generated.

First off, apologize for such a delayed reply.

That is very strangeā€¦ I have always had it as a git repo with a few of my projects and test setups in UE4 without running into such issues. Thank you for reporting that in case anyone runs into it as well. And I will get a note added to the guide.

Please remind me if you are using the VDMeshCloth component or one of the other ones. VDMeshCloth has a unique setup for generating vertex data.

I tested it now. Itā€™s probably related to the other plugin I am using. Seems like yours and that plugin canā€™t build at the same time, probably conflicting names/imports or something. So I have to build your plugin first, then make sure it isnā€™t rebuild when added to the other project (so make sure git status donā€™t find the file, therefore commit your plugin content or .gitignore it), then it works. A lot of hassell, but it seems like itā€™s just because of this special case of combining the plugins. Took some time to fix but itā€™s finally done :slight_smile:

You could add it to your guide as a section ā€œIf you canā€™t build the pluginā€ maybe

First of all, great work ! really , amazing stuff.
I have a few questionsā€¦before investing in this incredible plugin :wink: and sure you have the answer !

Is it possible to create a rope like this:ā€¦channel=Etalyx

Dynamic length (max 100 metersā€¦300 segments or moreā€¦)

In advance thank you

And if some one around have an idea, thanks to all. We are working an a POC axonometry project

I can see use cases for both but whichever is easier initially.

Hello! Iā€™m using 4.26.1. When the Num_Particles_High of VDProceduralCloth is higher than 10 it will display incorrectly like the video. Any ideas to solve it?

I met a crash. When Iā€™m attaching a new VDrope to an actor in 4.26.1. The engine crashed.
Here is the crash report and my engine settings config.

Hi, I recently purchased your plugin but I have run into an issue that I hope you can help with.

Iā€™m recreating a rear-end crash and the seatbelt Iā€™ve created from a VDMeshCloth collides correctly when placed over my character. However, it seems that when I place the character in the car, the extra velocity introduced by the car movement, breaks the collision bond between seatbelt and character and the VDMeshCloth passes through the static mesh character.

Any thoughts on how to have the car movement not affect the seatbelt? Or any other suggestions are welcomed. Thanks

Here is a video link that shows what I am trying to explain correctly.

VDMeshCloth issue

I canā€™t figure out how to work with 2D limiters (what needs to be specified in the Plan origin and Plane Normal)?
I am making a 2d platformer, the player releases a web and uses it as a bungee, could you describe the optimal algorithm for implementing such a mechanic? Perhaps someone has examples, I will be glad if you share them.

Hi! I have a setup I canā€™t solveā€¦ Basically, at runtime, I want to attach rope to the sphere, and make sphere move, and then rope should follow the sphere.

Iā€™ve managed to make it working, using 2 Actors, one being Dynamic Rope, other is physics simulated sphere.

The problems is, that I want to have sphere not as a physics object, because I want to freely position it around the world. But then rope stops following the sphere.

And is sphere is physics object, rope is kinda ā€˜attractsā€™ it, even so even if I set sphere gravity to 0, it kinda moves very unpredictably.

Is there some proper solution to what am I trying to do here?

Hey all! I have a bug I wanted to post here and let you know how I am solving it atm as well as ask for any information on what I am looking for to fix it in C++

I am using the dynamic rope for our game as we need to setup a lot of different sized ropes in editor and want to use the distance per segment option they have. But I noticed that after I swapped from the base VD_Rope to the VD_Dynamic_Rope I am unable to detach the ends of the rope without issue.

If I detach the first particle the whole rope disappears, and if the I disconnect the last particle, that part of the rope disappears. After checking into it, I found that the particle is still valid and is apart of the particle array, but has invalid data. When we detach and it grabs previous mass from Attachment.OldMass but that is zero and the location ends up being (nan,nan,nan) which from what I can tell is most likely due to a divide by zero somewhere. It could be that the dynamic version of the rope isnā€™t setting up the initial mass correctly? Not sure but wanted to see where I should start looking for this issue / see if I can find the problem.

For the time being I am simply checking for mass to make sure if we are detaching it isnā€™t ever zero, just setting it directly for now. This solves the main issue but does mean that I am setting the mass incorrectly. Check out the video below, Iā€™ll be checking into the issue next week and hopefully have a fix but if anyone has information about this problem let me know!


Hello, how long does gaining source access usually take? I emailed you about a week ago and wanted to know if the process takes time, I had done something wrong, or the email ended up in your spam.


After reading the thread I think I might need to mention you for you to get a notification.


Just finally caught up with all of the emails. You should be all set now.

My apologies for not getting you setup sooner. Iā€™ve had a hectic few weeks on my end. Iā€™ll be catching up on the posts here very soon

I replied to your email just now. For everyone else running into this same issue: this is a bug that has snuck into the plugin at some point and has only now been discovered due to limited testing suite that I utilize. Big thank you to @ifrait for reporting it! It will be fixed in the next update.

Interesting, does the sphere have a collision shape attached to the mesh? If so, how are you attaching the rope to the sphere? Are you using Attach To Rigids or manually creating attachments?