Hello Folks,
Well after a long time away from development and use of game engines Due to RL/Family/Work as we are all aware of :), Now my kids are a little bit more grown up I have more spare time to spend on what I enjoy very much so… I’ve decided to devote some time into UE4, after getting a little used to the editor and general workings I have been playing around with a few templates & gametype examples.
I decided to start with the “Vehicle Game” example as this is where I would like to learn a few things from with UE4 which brings me onto a question or two which I would be delighted in hearing any feedback from and hopefully a few pointers as to what I maybe doing wrong. My idea was to get a small library of vehicles for me to choose and select given the direction of race type I decide to create hence the duplication method to speed up mutiple vehicles.
I have tried to “Duplicate & Rename” all the assets belonging to “SK_Buggy_Vehicle” and have successfully (I think) gone through each and every file to ensure all is renamed and pointing to the “Car1” name I have chosen. All blueprints, mesh, skeletons, physic assets, gamemodes, HUD and each individual file looked at I have changed the name to my new format of “Car1”. All seems to work well and all linked up together however the problem I have is in a two part scenario which I will highlight as “1 & 2” below.
FYI - All Game Mode settings have been changed to reflect the new “Car1” files I have created as this is something I firstly didnt realize about.
Problem 1 - When pressing play, all loads fine, the vehicle shows up but the HUD does not show, neither does the Race Timer and neither do I get any movement/control of the vehicle… but I do get the reaction of the brakelights, so I’m guessing in some form or fashion the controls are actually linked.
Problem 2 - If I try to “Compile” from within UE4 I get the error stating “Info Creating makefile for hot reloading Perf_Racing_1 (no existing makefile)”
Now… whether these two problems are linked together I’m a little unsure as I have checked and checked again and browsed quite a bit of forum and www documentation related to this and seem to come to a dead end, hence this forum post to the Community.
I’d be very appreciative for any feedback and help here to point me in a direction with light
Many Thanks
Cecil Bergwin