VFX Powerup feature request!

Hello Epic devs, I’ve been developing my own game over the past few months and one of the devices I use a lot is the VFX Powerup device and recently I found out a ‘‘limitation’’ with it.

When you hide the Fortnite Character through Verse with the .Hide, the VFX attached to the character through the powerup device also gets hidden which sometimes is what you want, but other times not.

There’s two gameplay examples I want to give you where you wouldn’t want the VFX to also be hidden.

The 1st example is an ability that turns your character invisible through .Hide in Verse, but for gameplay balance reasons, you’d want some kind of VFX around your character to help enemies spot you. Like how you see the transparent effect in Crisis for example.

The 2nd example, is custom characters. Since Verse cant yet support proper custom characters with the MoveTo function as it feels jittery and lags. You could .Hide the Fortnite character and then assign it a VFX Powerup that has a Niagara Mesh/Sprite/Ribbon that can act as a custom character.

It would be extremely useful to have a checkbox within the VFX Powerup Device that lets us keep the VFX visible when the FortCharacter is invisible.

  • Also a Higher exclusivity Index would be kinda neat, 5 can sometimes be limiting.

Have a great day and thank you for your time!

Thank you for your feedback. While I cannot guarantee a response, I can confirm that this has been forwarded to the appropriate team.

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That’s actually an interesting idea for custom characters considering we most likely won’t have official support for them for a while… Hopefully Epic devs see this post and consider adding that option to the vfx powerup device!

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Bump in hopes that devs see it and consider adding this functionality!