I am trying to make a wall effect to where the player has run but I also want it so that when other players run into the wall effect they will respawn. I was gonna use the VFX creator but I have no idea how to make the event when other players run into the wall. I was thinking of using several mutator zones but they would be too big and would definitely crash the game.
Also I am fairly new to UEFN so excuse my terminology.
You mean you want when the first player runs into the wall a VFX shows up, but when anyone after him goes to this wall will be teleported only?
No. I want a player trail so that when the player runs VFX will show up behind the player as a trail, but will when another player runs into it they will respawn. I was sort of able to get the visual effects with the VFX creator, but I don’t know how to apply damage when other players run into the wall.
This an example