Veterans & staff members

Hello there!
I noticed (sure we all did) most of the questions are clones day after day.

Main problems I see are:

  • Retargeting (deformation, ik rig)
  • Foliage (distance and lod)
  • Nanite artifact ray tracing (fallback or double sided geometry)
  • GPU crash (because I want cinematic setting in real time playing in a coffe machine)
  • Lumen (most reflections, ray tracing)

And the amount they open per day is huge!

I think there is enough information about it, in my case I did create some short tutorials (first one is under review)
And the people can make a simple search in the forum and find the answer…

But the truth, is more confortable to create an issue than to search and read…

What about to implement: “issue has been solved in x post”?

Or in creation of the issue suggest x tutorial and documentation…

Ideas? What do you think?

There is something can be improved in here for sure!

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Is an example, data is real but not enough parameters/filters…
according to the number of topics created in 30 days:

Just taking into consideration 4 factors there is a black hole in foliage and shadows


A good way to make a quick answer can be to add a button and show your previous solutions:

And when you click system can create an automatic answer like:

Hello X, this post was solved in X
If it doesn’t solves pleas…


I have to say the main problem Is the next one…

Unreal engine is a free and open source professional tool, but the target is all kind of people.
That’s good I love it.

What is happening?
Community grows and grows… because in few hours, a tutorial and a couple of free assets you have something amazing.
Which is good too!

What does happens next?
Well then the people wants to create matrix and the look and feel, normal of course

And here is when the problems reach the community.

Most of the people have any kind of basic knowledge (we cannot do nothing about this)

And then they say: let’s check all the rendering checks!

yeah ray tracing sounds cool, let’s use it with path tracing 50000 in each option I see…

And sure I see my game like matrix…

I think is mandatory to add a wizard form configuration for the graphics settings… the scalability options are hide and not clear and so so…

-Then the user sure notice for example the foliage distance, the reflections…

And the advance one is not going to be affected

-Even more, unreal can deactivate the ray tracing check if the card is not compatible…

-low setting automatically if the system is dying yes or yes, like option in the engine by default

-user experience behavior… if you have Lumen disable AO menus please

-as far I remember unreal tournament in the first start creates a config according your hardware

-why I want by default 4 views and 3 are hidden in the layout

-virtual texture is fashion now, the poolsize …

Setting by hardware and not by default…

if the idea of Epic Games is a free engine for everyone the user experience is mandatory

This is something the advanced users we will not care at all, but the amount of community issues sure is lower

To split the engine I think could be a solution… basic / advance edition… the difference in the ui, config, console … nothing crazy