very very beginner needs help !!


So i installed Unreal Engine with a friend of mine, we are having fun doin stuff, not pro stuff, we try to mountains etc… and now im very insterested how far i could go without any training/experience, i just installed Unreal engine like 2 days ago… i was able to do a little road with youtube tutorials help :stuck_out_tongue: and now, i wanted to “try” download stuff from websites like a Lamp or Table etc…

Whats in the folder when i download from a website, a Lamp: Imgur: The magic of the Internet
now from what i have seen in the 5000 youtube tutorials they all say to copy the download files to …/Project name > Content > StarterContent > ( and i created a folder called Lamp and tried alredy without folder, just copy the downloaded files in there lol )

when i try to import: i think everything is alright i click “Import” although i already tried “Import All” - Imgur: The magic of the Internet

when i import it appears like this : Imgur: The magic of the Internet sometimes it appers all blank, it doesnt say invalid lightmap settings like in that picture

and sometimes this happens, i tried to put a Sofa and i got multiples things separated of the Sofa: Imgur: The magic of the Internet

So if has more experience could tell me how to fix this and have a perfect Sofa with textures and all and no bugs, im really insterested and i want to do more stuff once i know how to fix this