Very poor performance after packaging (5.0.2)

Hi All -

I am experiencing very poor performance after packaging, and I’m wondering if there are some common reasons for this. Google & forum searches have yielded nothing really so far.

For context, my testing sample has 30-40FPS in-editor with engine scalability on Epic.

However, once packaged for windows it is reduced to 15-20 FPS in the packaged project. This appears to be the same for all build types (shipping, development, etc.). Pulling scalability back to one level below what I have in-editor via the console in the packaged file brings performance back to the 35FPS range.

It seems to be a GPU bottleneck but I’m unsure what would be the cause, especially since it appears fine in editor (my understanding was that normally the packaged project should perform better, not worse). Any ideas?


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Did you find a solution? I’m also running on the same issue.

Nothing as of yet. I will file a bug report soon if there is still nothing in a day or so, but so far I have not been able to find any proposed solutions or common causes elsewhere.

Have you checked if in editor the screenpercentage is reduced ?

This was a part of the problem. It did not fully resolve the issue but I think it was a contributor, so probably it is some combination of this, the increase cost of SM6 over SM5, and maybe a few other small things