Hello, i’m having a problem with the fps in my Paper2D game, the game as of now is really simple and not very resource intensive, at least it shouldn’t be. the strange bit for me is that my game while playing in the editor ( in all of the preview modes except for standalone) reaches a max 60 fps but when i package it and launch it on desktop the average is 13 fps. if not a bug, this could be due to configuration issues perhaps but i’m lost as to what should i configure, still it’s surprising for me given that my machine runs it at 60fps in the editor.
my specs are:
CPU: intel core i7 - 4770
OS: 64 bit Windows 7 ultimate service pack 1
Mainboard : Gigabyte z87x
RAM: 16 GB
GPU: NVIDIA Geforce GTX 650 ti boost
Unreal engine version: 4.4.3
here i leave the link for the packaged game:
and here’s the complete project