I’m trying to make a “Round” world. I say “Round” because the way I did this is by making a sphere in Blender comprised of 128 faces, then divide each one of those faces to treat them as terrains. There’s a zone that’s almost a perfect square, which I chose to do a prototype for gaming capabilities, I’ll call this terrain Zone 69 from here on.
I scaled zone 69 to x: 10000 y: 10000 z:10000 inside Blender, then imported it to Unreal.
My problem is: The Mesh Collider is so big, the character is left hovering over zone 69 always, instead of walking over the plane itself.
I’ve tried to do Convex Decomposition to the max values in order to make a Collider with the same shape as zone 69 and to make simplex collision as complex collision. Nothing worked.
Here’s a picture of a Wireframe of Zone 69 (Purple Line) Along with it’s collider (Black Line):
And a picture of the character hovering: