Vertical scatter not working

Hi, I am trying to create green walls on a building, but am struggling to get scatters to work at all on a vertical plane.

I have also tried try to use the paint vegetation tool, but this ignores the vertical orientation of the wall plane, and I can't see how to tilt the plants away from vertical orientation. I have played with pivot edit and toggle world axis tools, but these appear to do nothing to vegetation.

How do I best create green walls within Twin motion? importing dumb pre-modelled green wall objects is not likely to work well as there will be many tens of green wall panels required in the project, all of different shapes and sizes that any vegetation will need to follow and not stray beyond

Some sort of material based scatter seems like the only sensible option.

For me, vegetation paint works with grass, flowers and some bushes.

(see attached picture)

These appear to be perpendicular to the wall.

I find that not all types of vegetation remain vertical, I don't know why :)

I think you should try to make the green wall from the ones that are most similar to the design, unfortunately there is no such function as the lumion's Foliage tool.

(picture 2)

That would be the real solution...

vegetation paint Lumion

Thanks for that! A strange omission by Twinmotion, since green walls have been all the rage for a while now.

Sadly the Twinmotion workaround won't bear much close scrutiny, but if all the plants are shrunk down in scale, from a distance they might look almost ok.

Sadly it looks like a switch to Lumion is required if close views required.

Yes, I directly left the vegetation large so that the orientation could be seen better.

It has to be scaled down......


Normalement, la végétation peinte fonctionne sur les surfaces verticales.

Utilise :

-plusieurs passes de peinture (joue avec type, hauteur / couleur/ densité).

-ajoutes des éléments connexes (feuilles, fleurs, etc).

-ajoute enfin des éléments de la bib Megascans.

Dans l’exemple ci-dessous l’addition de ces éléments.

Evidemment, avec beaucoup plus de travail, c’est possible d’obtenir un résultat plus convaincant.





Normally, painted vegetation works on vertical surfaces.

Used :

-several paint passes (play with type, height / color / density).

-add related elements (leaves, flowers, etc.).

-finally adds elements of the Megascans bib.

In the example below the addition of these elements.

Obviously, with a lot more work, it is possible to obtain a more convincing result.




TM version 2022.2.1

Windows 10 Professionnel (version 21H2).

Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-10700F CPU @ 2.90GHz 2.90 GHz.

Carte mère : msi Mag Z490 Tomahawk.

128 Go de mémoire Ram.

Carte graphique Nvidia Geforce RTX 3070.

Vegetation diffusion V-01-01

Great example! Thanks