Vertex snapping issue 4.25 - will not work

hey so ive seen more than one resource on how to engage vertex snapping
how to use it

so i can move it around but it won’t snap

its V and middle mouse and all that but that does not bring up the blue dots

ive tried a few other ways but nothing works, im working on workflow in a test space so i can see what i want to do
when i actually want to start a game

theres some evidence that its completely different in 4.9 so i am guessing that is likely the issue ?

It has changed a bit in 4.25 but it works.

Middle mouse button moves the pivot, and to snap the pivot to a vertex, you have to hold Alt+V.

If you want to move the entire object, it’s V + Left Mouse Button.

In the case of moving the pivot, you have to grab the white sphere in the middle of the gizmo. In case of moving the object, you can also try grabbing individual axes, but as for me it works a bit weird and counter-intuitive, so grabbing the white sphere is preferable.


They do have vertices, one in each corner.

If you’re trying to move the pivot, you have to Set Pivot Offset after that (under Right Click => Pivot), otherwise the pivot will reset the next time you select the object. Just keep in mind that the pivot in the viewport and pivot in the game are kind of independent – if you change the pivot in the viewport, the object will still rotate around its original pivot in the game.

As for the GIF, I used ScreenToGif app. And the fact that it’s kind of looping is just an accident.

right so - i am just doing default basic stuff for drawing a sketch of what i am planning on later

the shape i believe is the “1 meter”
wait no i just used the walls from the 3rd person template, and duplicated them

do they not have vertexes? because this still does not work it just puts the axial icon to the center
then it wont go anywhere

how did you do that animated gif thats neat

yeh but i mean see i said it doesnt work - you dont have to answer im just saying
heres the GIF there wasnt any other way except with this 5mb thing

it will go to like, 3 of the vertexes, but none of the rest

on the other one, where im using geometry and not the template wall, it wont line up the right ones
still having some issues sigh


It’s sometimes difficult to snap to a vertex because you move the gizmo in a perspective view and it may seem that it’s right next to a vertex, but it’s in fact “deeper” and it can’t snap to a vertex because it’s actually far from it.

What may help is changing the camera angle and distance to the needed vertex, and sometimes it’s nice to first right click next to the corner and select Pivot → Set Pivot Offset Here, so that it would be close to the corner you need. You can even set a hot key in the editor preferences for that, if you plan to do it often.

oh hey if i just set it like totally out in nowhere and with the pivot thing
then i go back at it it works

thanks ! i guess the idea behind how it locates another vertex is broke - i should probably submit it as a bug but its probably just “deficient”

actually no i figured it out
you have to have almost a perpendicular view to the points you want to match up
its complicated - if you write me i can post a gif, though im on to post a different issue now

i did get them to finally match up but its literally a $50 tutorial for youtube when like the average is like $0.20 … no i mean in terms of value - i would not do that right now it would set me too high in the tutorials categories

its just literally you have to flip around all over the place and match it clean at the 90 - no other way to say it (perpendicular) like joint to hoist? the hoist is where its going
the joint - both hav eto be flat on the plane, horizontal across your vision

but thats your plane
they’re going to be 180 opposite that on a 90 degree turn i guess

literally that would be confusing sorry . its 180 opposite that but you turn lol
a bit

so , yeh. i can post the gif of it i think i know how to get it to save right now
and of course you have to make it repeat indefinitely

i meant to say , you’re doing it the slow way -

ask me and ill go through the gif, its a one click thing, but you have to aim right or it fails


OK - SO the answer to this is


  1. move your items so they are as close to position as possible and “in a linear/planar way”
  2. move the viewport so what you set up as a “plane” is literally perpendicular to you, so its a plane to the vertex “AI”
  3. RIGHT CLICK on ANY BLUE DOT. this will move the object but it will change the pivot to that dot.
  4. move the vertex to the vertex you want to adjoin it to, and if you’re 90 by planar it will work flawlessly.
  5. repeat for other pieces


conversely if you are off the 90 degree planar tilt:


#4 my bad - thats press the V key and left-click drag, to vertex you’re aiming at

#3 click the object first, then right click on a blue dot
#4 press V and left-click drag on the WHITE BALL sorry, its only the white part of the axial icon