I can’t seem to get vertex colors exported when using the .obj file format. It seems the .ply format is working though. Can anyone else test the .obj files have vertex colors?
Hi Caron
The OBJ vertex color is working with just some software packages, as it is NOT a standard OBJ file format, it should work in Zbrush if I remember well. PLY has been capable and fully compatible color vertex file format from the beginning…
Ok, I am going to do more testing. I am using software to bake vertex colors from RC’s high res mesh to a lower res. I believe this software supports this variation of .obj file format, including files from ZBrush. Unfortunately, I don’t have ZBrush so I can test.
I can’t seem to get Vertex color baked within the OBJ … orrrr at least i am importing it on Zbrush somewhat the wrong way…
need to investigate a bit more.