I have some questions regarding performance with vertex animations.
I’m making a character creator and using the 3ds Max Vertex Animation Tool to convert morph targets to vertex anims to increase performance (if anyone know of a more efficient way of increasing perf for morph targets that would also be super helpful).
My question is;
Since using vertex anims is actually playing an animation on the mesh, is there a way to get the vertex positions just by finding the frame of the sequence and morphing to that frame without the mesh actually animating (essentially pausing the sequence on that frame)?
Another question I have;
I can set up the vat morphs fine with the textures, but I’m not sure how I would go about combining multiple shapes - like mimicking the way morphs behave when you have multiple active.
Please let me know if my question is unclear.
Yea thats how i have it set up from that video, I have found a way to set the frame I want but I wasnt sure if it was still playing an animation, like just looping that one frame or if it was paused.