any clues as to what might be the cause?
InPropTransform := AsProp.GetTransform()
Print("Found new Movement Struct for index {Index} with Starting {InPropTransform.Translation }")
var InitialRotation : rotation = InPropTransform.Rotation
var Location : vector3 = InPropTransform.Translation
set Location = Location + (InitialRotation.GetLocalForward() * Prop.MoveInDirectionAmount.X)
+ (InitialRotation.GetLocalRight() * Prop.MoveInDirectionAmount.Y)
+ (InitialRotation.GetLocalUp() * Prop.MoveInDirectionAmount.Z)
InPropTargetTransform := transform{Scale := InPropTransform.Scale, Rotation := InitialRotation, Translation := Location}
Print("Processed new Movement Struct for index {Index} with Starting {InPropTargetTransform.Translation }")
set bResult = true
var NewItem : prop_transform_struct = prop_transform_struct {
bIsTransformActive := true,
InitialTransform := InPropTransform,
TargetTransform := InPropTargetTransform,
ChildIndexArray := Index
NumberOfLoops := 0
set TransformArray = TransformArray + array { NewItem }
Print("Adding new Movement Struct for index {Index} with Starting {NewItem.InitialTransform.Translation }, Target {NewItem.TargetTransform.Translation}")
Print("Index {Index} could not get added. Prop is probably not valid")
when NewItem gets constructed, both transforms are zeroed even though they’re both valid inputs
I’m doing these struct constructions with this struct in multiple places and observing similar behavior (data doesn’t make it through)… is there something important I’m missing here?