Verse Server - Major Performance Issue - Assets.digest.verse Code Analysis

Our team is currently working on a project in UEFN with thousands of assets, and Verse is generating an Assets.digest.verse for it. The problem is that this file is almost 10,000 lines of code, and it slows the Verse server (compiler) down immensely. My guess is Verse is running code analysis on this file as well, which it shouldn’t, considering it should be a read-only digest file.

When writing Verse code on custom devices, it can take VS Code almost 2 minutes or more to generate errors or warnings. I compared this to a new project with no Assets.digest.verse and the code analysis was almost instantaneous.

If this could please be addressed, I’d appreciate it. It seems as if the Assets.digest.verse is being generated because scriptable game objects (material, texture_2d, etc) will be supported in the future. But, given this functionality is not yet supported by Verse and the digest files are not writable, there should be no need for the Verse compiler to run code analysis for this file.

I’ve tried to exclude the Assets.digest.verse within the VS Code workspace settings but it doesn’t seem to fix the performance hit.

Thank you for your report! We would like to look into this further, would you be able to submit a bug report using the form available here: Fortnite Creative

I submitted the bug report around the same time as this post. Is it possible to forward with priority to Verse team?

Hey @LegitDayPlayer:

Just seeing this. Asset reflection is currently disabled so there won’t be an Assets.digest.verse generated for the time being, but it will be getting re-enabled in a future release. We do need to run semantic analysis on this digest because that’s how the LSP knows that you can reference assets being used in your level. We’ll keep an eye on how this impacts the LSP’s performance in general though.


I am also unable to use shortcut Cntl+Shift+B to build verse.

I think VSCode plugin needs update because currently this autogenerated file shows ‘errors’ but there could be no errors in it? it says something about qualifier, possibly plugin doesn’t understand the new format of the code. (the official verse plugin for VSCode I mean).