Verse LSP sources


Is the source code for verse-lsp available somewhere? I’m trying to hook it to emacs and having the source code for reference could help.


Hi @clavijo111:

The Verse LSP is not open-source at this time. We do not officially support using the LSP with editors other than VS Code for now; however, we are very aware that there are lots of people who don’t use VS Code as their primary means of working with code.

Because the LSP currently relies on automatically-generated .vproject files that contain the correct set of dependencies for it to infer (similar to how you might use a compile_commands.json file or similar for C/C++ code in clangd or other LSP implementation), this isn’t as straightforward to set up. However you technically don’t need the source code of the LSP in order to be able to use it; you should just be able to run the executable with the correct command-line arguments and it should be able to behave similarly to what you would get in VS Code. This is something that we can improve on and hopefully I’ll have a better answer for you in the near future.

Since you are using Emacs, might I ask if you are working with lsp-mode or eglot, or some other LSP implementation here? It’d be useful for us to test against in the future.

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Thanks for your answer, will take a look at it later.

I’m using eglot (emacs 29 pretest comes with eglot bundled as part of the distribution).

Excellent, that makes it simple to test against. (I’m using the same, one of the few team members using Emacs here. :slight_smile: ) I hope to have some good news for you on this front soon.

Any updates on this?

@sonictke Sorry for second bump, just wasn’t sure if get a notification unless I @ you. Forgot to do that in my 1st bump.

Hi @Delinx, unfortunately I don’t have any updates for you on this front yet.

Oh well, maybe one day, thank you.

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Hey :slight_smile:
Any update on how to run and connect to the LSP outside VSCode? I’d love to have autocomplete in Neovim!


would be great to get nvim support in 2025!