Verse @editables dissapearing when they are of type custom creative_device

When making an @editable of a type array of a class that contains an @editable of a verse device that inherits from creative_device, the parameter can reset to None sometimes which is very annoying. Here is an example of a verse device that may reset the parameter of the @editable verse device “TestDevice” in the “TestDeviceArray” editable:

testmanager := class(creative_device):

@editable TestDeviceArray : []testdevice_info = array{}

testdevice_info := class():

@editable TestDevice : testdevice = testdevice{}
@editable TestInteger : int = 0
@editable TestTrigger : trigger_device = trigger_device{}

testdevice := class(creative_device):

@editable DeviceInfo_Int : int = 0
@editable DeviceInfo_Float : float = 0.0
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@DragonRage508 Thank you for your report! We would like to look into this further, would you be able to submit a bug report using the form available here? Fortnite Creative

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Hey, I’ve been having the same issue, any update? Was an official bug report ever filed?

Nope. It still happens :confused: