Verse Detonation Template Tutorial Doc Is Incomplete

This tutorial has bugs and is missing things like a whole section on the beacon devices needed and the StartedEvent and StoppedEvent for the TImedObjective devices no longer exist.

The code should be formatted better too, it’s super confusing to those that might be new to this.


Bumping because I ran into this as well and was going to write an article but saw this one existed!
For more on what is missing;

The documentation tells you to start a new project, but doesn’t tell you to use the island template for detonation. I didn’t know a template existed until after I completed this.

Verse Detonation template is referencing methods on devices that don’t exist, like




instead of




for timed devices.
It is missing a whole section on adding the beacons.
Also it shows using

Logger:log = log{Channel:=log_search_and_destroy}

but following along you will get an error, had to do extra research that I needed something like this in my code

log_search_and_destroy := class(log_channel){}
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Good report !