I am working on a MineCraft-like game in UEFN, can I create a Verse code that can use the signal remote to place meshes (blocks)? (Using DeepL)
Hi @son0629 there is a Youtube tutorial that uses the signal remote to spawn custom prop anywhere.
Hopefully this is what your looking for.
Thank you for your response. It looks like this method would work, but is there any way to apply something like a grid snap?
You’ll need to make your own custom grid system, you’ll also need to toggle between placing a “placeholder” mesh with no collision for when the player is trying to place a block. And another “solid” mesh (with collisions) for when it’s placed.
The grid system should snap the blocks depending on where the player is looking and a custom range distance from player. The system should also be able to check if a block has already been placed or not.
You might eventually want to add custom bounds or “out of bounds” detection system so that players don’t build wherever they want (under the floor, inside an already built wall, etc…)
This may also be useful: example-on-how-to-spawn-and-destroy-props-using-verse It’s by @Rodney_Houle, an Epic guy who seems really perceptive.
I tested his code recently with no issues.
I have a snippet for some Grid Math | Uefn Code Snippet
iirc, to match up with the default fortnite grid, you’ll also need to offset the final output by 256.0 units, I forget on which axis (x or y, or both )
How can I use this code Grid Math | Uefn Code Snippetmentioned by westi together with the one mentioned by SuperDoomPanda How can I use this code together with the one mentioned by SuperDoomPanda?