Verse Backwards Compatibility Errors

The 29.00 release contains support for Verse Persistence. Part of this feature requires changes to persistent weak_maps in Verse to be backwards compatible. More information about this requirement is available in the Verse Persistence documentation. We have identified a bad interaction between backwards compatibility enforcement and asset reflection in UEFN and Creator Portal. We are actively working to fix the issue.

This issue occurs if your Verse code defines modules that are defined using a name that is also used by asset reflection and your Verse code makes use of persistence. Backwards compatibility enforcement will always fail with error code 3532 if the code has been published. Please stand by for updates.

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Issue Resolution Details for current release (v29.00):

  • Backwards compatibility enforcement in UEFN has been disabled. This fix will require you to restart UEFN.
  • A fix has been pushed to Creator Portal. Backwards compatibility checks will still be run as part of the Creator Portal publishing workflow. Backwards compatibility issues detected during this workflow will prevent you from publicly releasing incompatible changes.

This issue will be fully resolved in the next release. The fix is already in place that fixes the underlying backwards compatibility validation issue in UEFN. Once the next release is live, backwards compatibility enforcement in UEFN will resume.