[Verse]Auto-completion and code formatting for the Verse language in VSCode

Hello, everyone

I would like to have auto-completion and code formatting features for verse language.

  1. Is there a way to enable auto-completion and static analysis of properties for classes and type definitions in VSCode for Verse?
  2. Can I enable automatic code formatting to prevent issues with indentation and misaligned code blocks?

Any guidance or suggestions would be greatly appreciated. Thank you in advance!


The only one I’m aware of is the syntax support extension, I would imagine this will be expanded upon and more extensions will come in the next few months.

As an aside as well, I pay for Github Copilot and have that extension installed in VSCode and the more I’ve worked with Verse the more its improved with its autocompletion/recommendations (it was quite funny what it dished out to start with). Not quite intellisense but its better than nothing!


Actually, there is also the Verse.vsix which sits in D:\EpicGames\Fortnite\VSCode, or where ever your Fortnite installation is, I believe its included with UEFN/Verse/VSCode by default. But if it’s not, when you open VSCode, click on the extensions, then the 3 dots in the top right of that panel, click Install from VSIX and locate that file and restart VSCode.


Thank you for your helpful response!

I am already using the syntax support extension you mentioned, but I look forward to seeing its performance improve further. I will also consider using Github Copilot for its autocompletion/recommendations. It’s great to know that there are already some solutions available. I’ll also look into the Verse.vsix file in my Fortnite installation folder.

I appreciate your help and guidance. Thanks again!


Is there a way to enable auto-completion and static analysis of properties for classes and type definitions in VSCode for Verse?

The LSP that is included in the Verse VS Code extension is technically already semantically analyzing the entire project as you type, but we know that auto-completion is not quite there in terms of its feature set at the moment. We have work planned to improve this aspect of the LSP in the near future.

Can I enable automatic code formatting to prevent issues with indentation and misaligned code blocks?

Not at the moment. We do have a formatter that does print out Verse syntax in a canonical form (this is how the various digests are generated for your project at runtime, for example) but it is not yet ready for general public release, unfortunately. We’ll take this request into consideration as we continue to work on the LSP.