When i try to use the prop manipulator on vending machines, it doesnt work. props works fine, but not vending machines, i also think some other devices dont work with it either. Is that intentional? If so, is there any other alternatives/workarounds to this? Please let me know!
I think this is by design. Prop manipulator manipulates props and props are generally non-interactable or gameplay items. Devices have their own visibility settings and I believe most of them have triggerable events to hide them as well.
I think a few devices do, but that’s only a few. The vending machines don’t have an option to hide themselves. Sure there is a way to disable them, but that doesn’t make them disappear, it just makes them have an X on them being that they cant be used. I just want them to disappear when a switch is flipped so that then they wont create so much noise when your around them and it would most likely improve performance, considering ill most likely have a lot of these.
This is probably a non-answer, but hiding them probably still keeps them in memory. So if that does not cause issues, perhaps you can offset their position below the map? You may also be able to remove or change the sound component but I am not sure I have not used them at all yet.
Your answer is relevant. But if it is possible to move the objects, how can I do so in the editor? Because if it is, I want it so that when I press a trigger, on the first frame, it moves to an area un-render-able by the game, and when I press another trigger, it moves to the spot where i put it at on the first frame the trigger got triggered(basically, the origin.)
I also forgot to mention that I will have a lot of these vending machines, one for every shootable(basically weapon, in other words, a a gun that shoots out bullets.) E.x. Fortnite regular(original) assault rifle, L1-L5, with the Skye’s assault rifle too(basically making it L1-L6) in one vending machine, and the same goes on for the other weapons. And yes, this does work, regardless if the vending machine says it only has 3 slots.
I also did attempt to remove the ambient noise from the vending machines, and its just greyed out. I also did try to replace the ambient noise, and, it seemed liked it worked in the editor, but it played the regular sound it makes rather then the one i selected. Same goes for on game start up/in game too. I hope Fortnite/Epic Games does decide to fix this at some point, but for now I’m gonna have to ignore it.
One more thing I should mention is that I am, in no way, familiar with the verse coding engine, even when I thoroughly read through the basics documentation. I can read code, believe me, but with all this plugins that you have to add into the verse script to make one thing do another is insane. basically I cant write it. I wish there was some sort of alternative to verse like something that clickteam fusion 2.5/scratch has. But thats for time to tell.
Also, I’m terribly sorry for the poor illustrations. However as of posting this, it is 9:30 PM, and I am defiantly wanting to get some beauty sleep. Hope it helps though!
Hmmm your image is useful. I get the idea. Let me experiment when I have some down time. I have to see what I can do since I have never used this particular device. I agree that there are some components that are difficult to work with when you cannot modify them such as remove audio.
Oh nice, and take your time when you’re doing this, I can focus on other things on my map. Another thing that maybe is helpful is that I’m using folders for the vending machines, each folder representing each category of weapons(E.x. shotgun folder = All of the shotguns in one the vending machines(represented in the AR example)) so hopefully, whatever you’re doing, can also move contents of a folder on the location transform.
Please do let me know what your results are!
Edit: I just now checked, It doesnt look like, from the details list, that you can move folders from the transform list. In fact, there is no option to do anything with folders. However I do know that you can move all of them by just clicking and shift click top - bottom to select all of them, and then move them there. Hopefully I don’t have to write a script for each one.
Hey MooseIsTheShoe,
I got a map with all items on vending machines in the same area. (Plug 4055-0627-4229 You’ll be able to see how much area they take up.)
I used screen only, but they are suprisingly less memory intensive than you would think and I have a few hundred of them there. I don’t think you could use that many item granters in one area.
What you can do is make a box in modelling mode and then in outliner move the vending machines onto the box, just like putting them in a folder, however this makes the box thier parent and the vending machines are children. Then to move them around the map in editor, just select and move the box and the vending machines will follow.
Hopefully this works in game, moving the box will move the vending machines.
Even better would be if using the prop manipulator on the box, also hides the children…but I’m not expecting that to work, let me know if you give it a go and it does.
But if works with a Prop Mover you could have a few different sets on different boxes and move the relevent one for each round into place.
Sorry for very late reply, thank you for your suggestion! I did try this out however it wasnt the results i expected, whenever i tried to create a box, and i did, it wasnt transparent, which would make things a whole lot better for me. I did try to add a transparent matterial on to it but now its just black! Any solutions to this?
Also how am i suppose to move this exactly? as ive shown before in the 5th post (if you havent looked, feel free too) i want the vending machine to move to an unrenderable area on the 1st frame a trigger has been triggerd, and the opposite for another trigger. Let me know your thoughts!
It doesn’t matter where you have the box, you could place it below the map out of sight. Or use a Fortnite Prop instead, I use boxes because they are easier to see
In the Outliner, Not on the Map, put the box in the vending machine folder and drag the list of vending machines onto the box. It will change all thier transforms relative to the box.
Then when you select the box in the map, you can move, scale and rotate it, and the vending machines which are now attached to the box will move, scale and rotate with it.
You will also want to attach billboards, decor etc to the box so it all moves with it.
Using a prop mover on the box should move everything it holds too.
Sorry for late response, again. Let me explain this a little bit better; in game (when the game starts) there is a button in my map that is a weapon selector that has a pop-up dialog trigger device linked to it. The pop up trigger has most of the weapon category’s in there. What I want to happen is when the one of the buttons (besides the “discard” “more…” and “show none” button, in this example, i chose ars) I want the game to basically move all the vending machines, besides the vending machines category that the button has been addressed to(which is shotguns), regardless if the others are in a spot that is unrenderable(in this example, it would be the smgs and snipers), into an unrenderable spot (to decrease performance/strain on hardware from rendering so much,) then to put whatever the weapons category on the button was pressed (this example, shotguns) into the same exact spot that the ars category was in.
I think your modeling tip is really good and I can defiantly use it to move all the vending machines at once. However I dont want to be able to easliy move them all in one whenever I’m in UEFN. Also, I did try to put a prop manipulator on it, it doesn’t register as a prop for it.
Oh yeah, you have to create a Building Prop BluePrint for the model to be recognised as a prop.
This should be better by using verse to teleport them instead of prop mover moving them.
But to move the vending machines about just grab a fortnite prop like a wall to use as your mover. Put the vending machine entries in the outliner onto it, say none to socket if asked.
Put a Prop mover on the fortnite prop.
Adjust its properties to suit, the trick is moving your vending cluster out of the way and setting the same distance of tiles in the prop mover at max speed (which is still a bit slow).
Maybe for testing use 2 buttons, in the prop mover use its start function on 1 button interacted and reset function on the other buttons interacted.
In game you should see all the vending machines move to a spot when pressed and their position reset when the reset button is pushed.
When you set up a whole bunch of button, use each buttons on interacted to reset all movers except the one it is starting.