I’m still very new to the unreal engine so this might be a stupid question, but I already wasted hours and hours and I don’t make any progress. Also I coudnt find anything is the forum and youtube.
I’m creating balls with randomly assigned varibles. The goal is to show their velocity on the Hud when the mouse is hovered over it. At the moment, I am able to print it like this:
But I want it to be something like this (screenshot out of Forza):
So my progress so far is, that in the Hud I will do it like this:
and I want to change the Text Block to the velocity when the mouse is hovered over a sphere. But how do I do that? I just dont get it how I can show the velocity now. I thought I’d be able to access the velocity in the binding, but thats not posssible. Is the hud the right place to make an velocity widget for an actor?
Again: I needs to show the velocity of one specific ball the mouse is hovering over.
I hope my problem is clear and anybody has a good idea. Thanks!