As the post title states, my question is about the correct method to set up a vehicle that has a rotating turret (rotating only on Yaw) using blueprints.
Currently I have a (somewhat) working version of what I’m after using the setup shown below:
I have several static meshes put together in a blueprint. At the moment I can move the vehicle around, and the ‘turret’ will follow the direction of the camera. I have physics enabled on the Root mesh (“HarvesterHull_v001”) which allows it to traverse inclining slopes etc.
The problem with this: While the Root mesh will change rotation to match slopes the ‘turret’ will not, and it will remain at zero for pitch and roll as shown in the image below:
Is there a way to solve that issue using my current method?
I thought about using a Skeletal Mesh with a bone that is skinned to just the ‘turret’ of the model and rotate the bone, but I’m not sure if that’s a good method.
Essentially: All I am asking is whether I am currently using a good method to produce a vehicle with a rotating turret. If I am not, could anyone provide some light on a better/correct method?
All the best, Inject4.