Vehicle Wheel Problem

Hello guys^^
My problem is my vehicle wheels are not movement animation. And when i opened my vehicle anim blueprint i can’t found “Wheel Handler” action.
Here its my blueprints.

two tutorials you must read/do when starting with vehicles

from sounds of things you haven’t set up your - “tyre” data asset - “wheel” blueprint" - “Vehicle” animblueprint

i watched this video and i create a vehicle animblueprint. My problem is starting here. I can’t found “Wheel Handler” actions in animblueprint.

Did you make sure to choose “VehicleAnimInstance” as the parent class when you made the animblueprint? I remember I had that problem too, because in the written documentation, it doesn’t tell you to do that (in the video you linked, it does though). If the parent is “AnimInstance” instead, you can just open the blueprint, and go to file>reparent blueprint, and change it.

Ok. I’m opened physicsAsset and select “wheel_front_right” bone and rotation but wheel is not turn. I used Maya 2015 and Connect joint tool. Select any wheel joint its rotation well. my problem in import or export. Here is pictures. I hope u will understand me ^^

I’ve solved this problem. Thank u guys^^

im having this problem after moving my vehicle from 4.8 to 4.12
now my wheels dont turn at all. the black pxvis cylinder collisions turn. but not the pink spheres. i have rebuilt the blueprint. an still same problem. How did you fix it? I’m guessing i might of unchecked a box somewhere.

Sorry for resurrecting this thread, but for those who are facing the same issue, here is an “fix”

Sometimes is not your model, but in fact some blueprint from the vehicle messing up.

This week my vehicle from a project started to not turn it’s wheels, and after hours of importing and exporting, making an clean install of Maya LT which was having issues importing SkelMeshs from Unreal, which did not solve my problem, I decided to copy the older version of the project from my laptop that have the wheels working, and decided to import an test SkelMesh, it worked perfectly.

If you are having the same issue as I had, test your models using the Vehicle Example blueprints instead of the ones made from scratch.