I am working with a basic blueprint vehicle in UE and can’t get it to turn. The throttle works good enough but the steering doesn’t work. At first the vehicle disappeared when turning (this page may be related but I’m not sure Vehicle disappearing when turning - World Creation - Epic Developer Community Forums ). Now (without changing anything) UE crashes and I get an error about assertionfail !FMath::isNaN(Rotation Angle) in vehiclewheel.cpp line 62.
float RotationAngle = -1.0f * FMath::RadiansToDegrees( VehicleSim->PVehicle->mWheelsDynData.getWheelRotationAngle( WheelIndex ) );
return RotationAngle;
This code seems to check if rotation angle is a number. I can’t figure out why this is treated as NaN. Any ideas?