I have recently found out a bug with Colliders if i put them on a car.
I want to make my car to detect if it’s on the ground or is it flipped upside down, so i wanted to make two Triggers one at it’s bottom and another one on it’s top.
After that i hit play to test it unfortanately the car floated, so the collider behave like it was a normal collider but i changed it to Trigger.
Also for all option it works the same if i switch to No Collision of course it doesn’t work.
What could possibly go wrong?
Thanks in advance!
At this forum link i have several images of my problem :
Thanks for the info!
Also on the Forum, dcyoung give me a tip, to uncheck the autoweld option of the collider, under Physics Details, and that solved my problem!
We’ve recently had another user bring this issue to our attention where collision triggers that were set to no collision (or no physics collision) would still collide if parented to a vehicle. This issue has been fixed but the earliest build that has the fix integrated is the 4.9 Preview 1 that was just released. The thing that is different is that the options for Collision Enabled have been changed to have the following options:
Query Only (No Physics Collision)
Physics Only (No Query Collision)
Collision Enabled (Query and Physics)
To get your desired effect, you’d want the first option and you’ll also want to set the box to Simulate Physics but not Enable Gravity. If the box isn’t simulating physics, it will cause some issues with the vehicle’s center of gravity.