Vehicle Soccer Template

It is done inside Vehicle Blueprint that uses Wheeled Vehicle Component but none of the system in Vehicle Soccer Template is dependent on Wheeled Vehicle Component.

Does this template show you have to do client side prediction and interpolation for vehicles in multiplayer?

There is no special implementation for client side prediction in this template.

Could you explain how to switch out the vehicle out for a thirdperson character? I’ve tried emailing your support email address. Thanks!

Open BP_SoccerPlayerController and inside Event Graph find ClientSpawnPlayer event. This event is connected to ServerSpawnPlayer function which has a parameter for vehicle class (by default assigned to Vehicle Blueprint). Change that vehicle class to your character blueprint.

v1.3 Updated!

  • New base pickup class
  • Ball outline now fades based on distance
  • Added camera lags
  • Fixed menu button click issues
  • Fixed compiler warnings

v1.3.1 hotfix!

  • Fixed compiler error for 4.25 and above