Vehicle slowmotion similar to GTA 5 Franklin ability

Hi, what are the steps to reproduce this feature?

I guess simple slowmotion for all actors (and lower slow motion for out character) is not enough?

The way I would implement this, would be to have a global (or global-ish) variable that controls a multiplier on the clock, which gets passed to all the actors when they step.
Then, I would make the player and the players vehicle have a separate multiplier, which un-does the clock adjustment.
This requires C++ code changes to the core engine, but I think that will be required to make any such system be robust. (And I’m not sure the changes I suggest would be sufficient – you’d have to test it to see what else might need fixing.)

Actually, looking at that video, you don’t need to undo the slo-mo for the player physics, maybe just for the player camera. And if the player camera is “direct mapped” to the stick, a global time multiplier might be all you need.