Vehicle Ranged Attacks

I’ve been working on getting a TIE Fighter to shoot for the STARK WARS mod (a group project Pok3r and I are working on.)Steam Workshop::STARK WARS: Survival Evolved -V48- Map Ext.
the TIE Fighter and any objects not quite ready for stark are here while I work on them: Steam Workshop::STARK WARS v48 Plugin v2.5 [NEW: Ship Crafter Fix, Rebel armor, Replicator 2.0](DISCONTINUED)

I have imported my own custom skeleton and retargeted anims to it from a ptero anim bp and currently have 1 test animation montage for shooting that retains the spider queen muzzle and spray effect. My skeleton has both the start and end spider spray sockets positioned similarly to the small spider. The Character BP has attack 1 set the same as spider’s secondary, in fact I got the spider shooting fireworks. With all these setup I cannot get the TIE to fire a projectile nor play the notify in the play in view.

Other issues other than projectile’s not fireing:

  1. Flannel posted a similar issue in regards to the animations not playing: Boba Fett's EE3 Blaster - Stark Mod - Custom Skeleton/Animations - ARK: Survival Evolved - Epic Developer Community Forums
    Also my skeleton gets screwed up wit the Aim offset turned on

  2. The characterBP’s capsule in components is not transform editable though I remember moving it around a few updates ago, may have it mixed up with something else.

  3. Other than attempting to use tpv camera offsets in the BP is there a way to find/edit its position? I also want to reduce the delay upon turning.

AIM Offset Issue

Character Positioning is rotated but attached to the rider socket, rotating the socket doesn’t seem to change anything

Capsule and TPV Cam issues

Some things that might help:

If firing the projectile through modifying the default values turns out to be problematic you could fire the projectile through your own graph logic.

  1. The capsule component is actually the root component of the character bp so you will have to move the mesh component to align with the capsule.

  2. To get the current camera position you can do this in graph:

I have not tried to modify the location so far though.

Thanx Ill try messing with the graph some more. Yeah I noticed the capsule is connected to the root the only problem with that is I want the TIE to spawn on the ground properly and be interactable there as it does, but have the name, rotation, and camera on my secondary root like bone. plus the object is so large I need to move the camera back a bit just for tpv.

Oh yeah i see the problem with that, could be tricky with the geometry of the tie fighter. First thing that comes to my mind is change the capsule component size depending on if the tie is mounted or not/a ground trace.

#1 issue is that the rig of the Tie Fighter needs to have a bone called “root” which needs to be the root bone. Otherwise the animblueprint interpolation will break.

As for altering the position of the mesh with respect to the Actor Location, that can be done by altering the SkeletalMeshComponent offset in the Actor Blueprint, or the Mesh offset in the Mesh. The Dino blueprint itself has TPV camera offset values too.

As for it not playing animations, I suspect it probably is missing the Anim Slots which all “dinos” need to have. Open up the “Anim Slot Manager” for the mesh, and make sure to add the following Group/Slot combos:

Group: FullBodyGroup
Slot: FullBodySlot

Group: AdditiveGroup
Slot: AdditiveSlot

Group: AdditiveGroupSecondary
Slot: AdditiveSlotSecondary

Then make sure your AnimMontage is set to play on one of those slots!

Thanx for the speedy response!

OK got the character positioned by manipulating the rider socket this time it worked.
TPV Cam I offset but having a little trouble getting its origin in the right position. also still working out the rotation rates I don’t want the ship to turn instantly using the “use controller rotation” ticks. but when in FPV its not a good thing to have to look at the wall to turn might be a little problematic trying to take down an xwing :wink:

I’ve created the groups and slots. What specifically are each of those named groups/slots generally used for?

forgot to add this to my original post, Ive created my own custom collision models and havn’t found exactly how to apply them to a skeletal mesh. Also on death is it possible to cause attached mesh parts to break from the parent mesh?

UPDATE: for the projectiles I’m thinking of firing of a notify to call the release of a projectile bp just an idea. I havn’t messed with scripting much but might as well throw it out there

ok everything shoots, but I’m still having problems with the rider fpv and animations in general.

first of all in the video you will see the tie fighter rolls when turning but not very naturally with input, also anytime I shoot it snaps to the shoot pose. now I know why it does that and the only way I can think of fixing that is separating the guns as a separate skeletal mesh with its own bone system and shoot anims. now I’m not sure if the attack will call from a secondary object like that. Before I start making such a change I would like to know if there’s a better way.

FPV rider doesn’t roll with the animation even though it is attached to the rider socket.

big problem other players on my server cant see the tie turn and lasers come out of everywhere because the orientation/animations don’t show

It was my first time building a skeleton and exporting animations to a game so there’s a lot I don’t know,
I’m looking for some animation technique advise and critique on making this fly and feel natural.

one of those flappy birds in game has a roll … could you just copy the cam settings for that?

oh I get what ya mean for the cam issue Angrytoilet, Ill see what I can find.
What I mean is it wont show my turn animation to others on dedicated server ive been messing with replication setting in the character bp but no go so far also the lasers are suddenly coming out too far from the guns and change positions on me only in dedicated server mode.

dedicated force tick every frame is checked as well

something that may help here’s my skelly, only way I can see to eliminate the snapping to 0 rotation every time you shoot would be to give the guns another skeleton but there has to be a better way:

btw played with death animations tonight have a lot of ideas, texture maps and interior improvements are kind of on hold until this feels and behaves correctly in game. then its on to another vehicle along with cleanup on the stormtrooper

im guessing a “has authority” and “is dedicated server” need to be in there

im a mapper, so, i dont know the details of blueprints as well as a modder

shooting while turning works as of a few days ago was a simple tick box I found in the animation for additive, so no need for a sep skelly, still not perfect but you don’t snap, biggest problems I’m having before I do more art on the object are the fpv camera pivot and network viewing, played a lot with replication but to no real avail. ill post a vid of the difference with some of the AI TIEs. also as far as network its different for different ppl on a server, for some it wont shoot lasers but will for another version I made for comparison and vie versa. one will bank and roll and move fine and the other will stay in one orientation for onlookers and spray lasers out of everywhere and again vice versa depending on who’s viewing or flying it.

oh one more thing I made physics assets and did all the editing on them but still the wings will not react with the ground upon death, also have a death explosion that only plays in the editor but not in game. wings I made separate so that the middle piece and textures can be reused for other ties but might be part of the problem. plan on learning the graph a bit more to change the textures colorization for each while using the same mats and textures. wanna keep our mod as small as as possible.

btw anyone flying the tie atm still has the first test release. If I’m lucky this week Ill upload this new version and hopefully get back to working on some more of the art related to it.

lasers themselves seem to have some issues as well, but I need to see how much is related to the ties movement and network play first

you sir, have done well past my knowledge of the subject. lol
now if your sky wasnt working, that i would solve … hahaha Sorry, I am all out of answers on this one

might need ya on that man I’m taking a little break and gonna start working on tattoine planning out resources and populating it. landscape tomorrow. is it possible for caves to have multiple entrances btw planning on a cavern system. my server I planned on being endor but tattoine and space seem like I’m gonna learn a lot faster that way imo. placeholder animals for while

caves can have as many as you want. i dont use static meshes for caves, just use the different rocks, like “flatrock” for the floor (scale it as you want) and i just use “cliffrock” for building the walls and stuff

another question, I tried importing a test map from world machine and it comes in all skrewed up, I’m guessing its the res because the free version limits you to 513x513. If I can get a map goin I was wondering how far I can go with levels. Id love to have a large map that appears to repeat forever while viewing it from a mountain or flying a tie fighter but also has the ability for a space component that loads much like I imagine the caves do. I’m wondering what are my limits on size and how to cut up the map in ways that can on the whole enlarge the play experience and perform well. for this map there are no oceans but I plan on the space component and deep caverns. Also I may be confusing sublevels with something else. I’m brand new.

not the most natural but my first attempt
I need to figure out the layout so I can add a section of canyons
minable ship debris would be cool later on once I get the level layed out and working too

well - your PLAYABLE area needs to stay between X-1,000,000, Y-1,000,000 and a Z of “about” 65,000.
Anything outside of those bounds, the emitters stop working, dinos fall into the world, and, your clutter stops working.
Example: Mount a dino, fly it to like 1.5 million X or Y, dismount, dino disappears. Doesn’t actually go anywhere, just doesn’t display.

You can of course, make a infinite x infinite x infinite world space, but, remember, outside of those bounds, you will get issues … you can setup boundary force field walls if you want at this marks.
In your case, using the free version, i would set my low points to about the same marks. Lets say what you have there, i would literally use a few ft. of “flat” space around the entire thing. What you don’t want is to have lifted areas that don’t seem to match up at all. It will look perfectly natural to have these “flat lands” between your areas as well. Just try not to line up areas perfectly, otherwise you will get odd squares showing up when flying above. You can overlap landscapes, so, play with it as you want, just my suggestion to help keep things on the same level.

Ill move the map stuff to a new thread here in bit the title is no longer helpful to others, but anyway Ive figured out how to use the persistent level thing with a box trigger, with world composition the levels are viewable. now what I want to do is have my trigger teleport me to the completely different map(just another box next to the test map) and not render the old and vice versa, client side only of course I do want network play. I have the bp graph set to unload the old map btw. The Idea here is to be able to cross over to a new map/level eventually occupying the same coord space. So essentially as far as tattoine, I want to end up in outer space with the same coordinate space as the main map when you trigger the cube. kind of like going to a parallel dimension

So you want to instance base your entire map … or should i say “other maps”. … i dont think this is possible really. This is something i have contemplated doing myself for instances (like WOW) and it doesnt seem like it can be done since the server itself would have to load out the map, and, load in the new one. This, would load ALL players to the new map, assuming it would even do that.

This is something im 100% will to try with you tho lol. I will setup a test environment with like 2 crappy maps and we can host from my own server and see if it works. Server is PLENTY powerful enough to handle map swapping like that.

sweet I host a server on my own machine too if that might help as well not sure the hardware is quite there but I have full control. pm me your steam handle and ill add ya, I get so many friend requests I have to deny them if I don’t get a comment or pm from somewhere. who knows what we can figure out! btw I’m very new to the graph but have programming experience so I get logic just brand new to the nodes and ue4’s graph setup pretty new to ue4 anyway, I think game design a lot but mostly have lived in the art until this project. all my assets are unfinished art wise but making them work has become a necessary venture to help make my art decisions. and its all fun

EDIT: gonna work one of my server specific mod sometime tomorrow to make it public so I can do a test with more than a few ppl problem is its personal stuff for friends and I really don’t wont random ppl to have access to it but all I can see to do is make it hard to access, still someone at that point can on their own server spawn in like custom armor I did for a friend just using the file structure. any advice?