There is a vehicle movement issue faced with the latest UE 5.0 Preview 1 version. Even with the native “Vehicle Advanced” project example the issue exists. The Vehicle can not switch the gears higher than 3rd position in multi-player mode. In standalone mode issue is not reproducible. Due to that issue the maximum speed stays in range of 30-40 Km/h. Please note that issue became actual once we migrate to the latest UE 5.0 Preview 1 version from UE 5 EA version. Please provide your notes if someone else faced with the same issue and applied coresponding workaround.
I’m also making a racing game in UE5 and I recently switched to Preview 2.
I’m having some issues now that I moved my project to this version, I wonder if you encountered similar ones and how you managed them.
In my case, the mass of the vehicle is way off. I suspect it has something to do with the new Mass Override in the BP.
Hi we still didn’t manage to resolve the issue and waiting for UE new release as assumed this is urgent issue to fix. Anyway the issue is not reproducible for single player. so you can continue your stuf for that by the time of fix.
Similar issue here, on single player changing “Max RPM” works, but not on multiplayer clients, pretty weird. This value is set to the ChaosWheeledVehicleMovementComponent in the Blueprint, so i thought it must be the same value on every single client but its not. Testet it with Preview 2.
Did you use the chaos or the default VehicleMovementComponent?
Hi GG-GoraGames,
We are using Chaos movement system which is the default (and I supose only movement) version in UE5.
Yes, so we have the same bug going on… i thought it was the max rpm but it is the gear like you said. I tested the whole day and also changes the Forward Gear Ratios to just 3. But its realy wired now the client stays in gear 1 forever. Did you already create a bug report for that?
Yes I\ve reported the issue to Epic, but still didn’t get replay. According to Epic rules in case if bug was not known by them they will reply and report the case as a bug.
Nice, thank you, do you have the report link so i can follow that, too.
Unreal send me the following subject:
Case # 00411535: Vehicle movement issue with UE 5 Preview 1 using multyplayer has been received
You can track the latest UE4 issues at
but honestly I couldn’t find the case in reported issues
Can’t find it too, mb make a new one for Preview 2. its the same issue i think, car stay in gear 1 and max speed of 28-39KM/h. In a Mulitplayer case.
Guys we have managed to overpass the issue to disable vehicle physics replication on client.
Try this in your vehicle blueprint it should workaround the issue.
You can also set it directly in your (car) mesh details panel (see image):
This have NO effect on the gier. its stays at 1 for me!
When u turn “Replicate Physics to Autonomous Proxy” off (uncheck / what u did on clients in blueprint on begin play): it will cause a async issue on multiplayer. The location of the cars are async when u drive some time around.
But it help a lot on the look and feel on clients, becouse the physic is calculated on the client.
I Updated to 5.0.0 now. Chaos friction feels better, but the bug stay the same, gear 1 forever / 28Km/h.
Also find the known issue here after i send em a new bugreport since i can’t find yours: Unreal Engine Issues and Bug Tracker (UE-144539)
@GG-GoraGames thanks for your reply and the pointed bug. Yes in a while we also found out that it is not fully fix the issue ((. But anyway we have managed to test some enhancements.
The bug tracker said its fixed, but its not, still 30 km/h on client server model
We still in progress to migrate our main project to up and run with UE5.1, but default vehicle project is expected changing the gear from 1 to 4 more than 150 km/h with multiplayer.
Will you check it at your end?
Nvm. It works now for me…
I also have to check and set the gear up rpm. That was wrong by default for me. Now it’s fine