Vehicle Movement Component don´t work when spawned with SpawnActor

I have a vehicle work fine when place directly in the level map,
but when i spawnActor the functions “Set Steering Input” and “Set Throttle Input” don´t work.
I know the physics is ok, because when floor have angle de vehicle starts movement.
I use breakpoints and call functions and values is ok.
Someone have idea whats gone wrong?
Vehicle can´t spawned?
Another function is necessary?
Which the difference of place on the map and use function “SpawnActor”?
We have skirted the problem using translation to an “limbo” area for the game,
however would like to use spawn and destroy.


Did you find a solution to this problem? I seem to be experiencing the same issue.

In my case I was using the master pose pose on the mesh vehicle, there was no need but as it was an inheritance let it pass. This caused the problem of not moving inside the package.

Could you share a screenshot of your blueprint?

What u need exactly?

your setup, which allows the spawned vehicle to move.

I have the same problem, but this answer is too vague to help?

I found the solution to this problem. You need to call “Spawn Default Controller” passing in the actor you just spawned.


This should help. Worked for me.

it fixed my issue

Saving lifes in 2024. Thank you!

Hi everyone,

I am having the same issue when using SpawnActor with Class to spawn a Chaos-based vehicle blueprint from the CitySampleVehicle project offered freely from the UE5 marketplace.

The solution for my case is adding a Spawn Default Controller for the vehicle pawned. With this node, the vehicle pawn not can move forward with the throttle greater than 0.

ChatGPT tells me that why to do that

The function Spawn Default Controller does the following:

  • It automatically creates and assigns a default controller to a pawn if it doesn’t already have one. This is useful for AI-controlled pawns or when you want the engine to handle assigning the controller automatically.
  • It is typically called after a pawn is spawned into the game world.

Hope it will be helpful to someone!

For those who aren’t directly possessing the vehicle pawn (i.e. you pass inputs to the VehicleMovementComponent from a pawn that isn’t the vehicle), unticking Requires Controller for Inputs solves this issue too.