For some reason, despite it laying flat in the simulations for the physics asset, as well as in the editor for the mesh, skeleton, and in the viewport itself- The second I hit play, the thing is driveable, but the vehicle is tilted forward. I double checked the collisions and the wheel blueprints and everything but nothing I do seems to even change this. I can change everything else about it, but it always starts up tilted forward. (it did this with previous versions of the engine as well.) Does anyone know what could be causing this? It’d been driving me absolutely insane.I would greatly appreciate any help!
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I actually just realized that I had made a pretty simple mistake with this earlier. I figured I’d still post what exactly caused this in case somehow someone else ever runs into it.
Basically, despite creating all of the proper blueprints and assets and stuff, I had neglected to select the proper wheel blueprint in the VehicleMovement component of the main BP. I realized this could be the case after i noticed that the back wheels were sitting almost perfectly even with the center of the wheels of the other car in the level.
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