I followed the Unreal Engine YouTube Video on how to set up a vehicle in UE4.2, with the FBX file supplied, and I got it working fine.
However when I try to repeat the process with any of my own vehicle meshes (complex or simple box with wheels), the physics freaks out. Both in PHAT and when I play test.
I have a simple mesh with naming and hierarchy set up.
My vehicle is set up in UE4 exactly the same as in the tutorial video, and I have tried tweaking most of the settings, I also tried adjusting the pivots which seemed to be off, however this made no difference. I have looked at the FBX supplied in the tutorial but cannot discern anything extra done in it’s creation.
I am wondering if there is anything I have missed in the creation of the Mesh in Maya, or if I have missed anything in the PHAT setup?
The problem is your maya settings.
In Maya, go to window … settings and preferences … preferences …
Look in the left column “Settings” change up Axis to Z.
Now you have to rotate your model.
Freeze transforms.
Take each of your wheels and move them to the centre of Grid, freeze transforms again.
Move the wheels back to their driving positions. DO NOT FREEZE TRANSFORMS. This is important, from what I can tell the auto skeleton that’s made on import in UE4 takes this transform information to place the bones.
Alternatively you can make your own bones and weight paint the wheels, this stops the auto skel.
Hope this helps
Thanks a lot, this helped.
I still have trouble if I move (whatever object is) the body away from 0,0,0 , which makes it difficult to use a custom model for the body, but your advice has made a huge difference.
Thank you again.
The Pivot of the main base needs to be at 0,0,0 (this is like having a ROOT bone) but you need your car mesh off the road. So move your base mesh into position and freeze transforms. How u have to move the pivot to 0.0.0, to do this press” insert” wiggle the manipulator tool in all directions, then holding middle mouse button , hover the cursor over 0,0,0 on the grid and press X. this snaps the Pivot. Press “insert” again.
Also your wheels have to be parented to the base mesh.
Hopes this helps.
If this does not work for you post a screen shot of your car with the mesh selected and the outliner showing the hierarchy, and transforms.