Vehicle disappears when steering

I’ve set up my own blender vehicle in UE4.27 and I’ve encountered a problem where it doesn’t manage to steer, instead it disappears leaving me with a message that says: "LogActor: Warning: CarBP_C_0 is outside the world bounds!".

Here’s my console log: Imgur: The magic of the Internet
Here’s my vehicle blueprint setup: Imgur: The magic of the Internet
Here’s my car model with physical bodies using single convex hulls (I apologize for bad quality): Imgur: The magic of the Internet
And here’s my wheel setup: Imgur: The magic of the Internet

If the car is outside the map, it is usually one of two things:

  1. You started with it outside the map, ie it’s nowhere near 0,0,0

  2. It’s a collision problem. Try turning off all collision and steer, to check it out.